
Algebraic Topology

The University of New South Wales, , Prof. N J Wildberger

Updated On 02 Feb, 19


Introduction to Algebraic Topology - One-dimensional objects - Homeomorphism and the group structure on a circle - Two-dimensional surfaces: the sphere - More on the sphere - Two-dimensional objects - the torus and genus - Non-orientable surfaces - the Mobius band - The Klein bottle and projective plane - Polyhedra and Euler's formula

Applications of Euler's formula and graphs - More on graphs and Euler's formula - Rational curvature, winding and turning - Duality for polygons and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra - More applications of winding numbers - rational curvature of a polytope - Rational curvature of polytopes and the Euler number - The geometry of surfaces - The two-holed torus and 3-crosscaps surface - Knots and surfaces I
