
Grammar, Vocabulary, Idioms, Phrases, English


Updated On 02 Feb, 19


Nonchalant - Grin and bear (idiom) - Icing on the cake ( Idiom) - Coerce (verb) - Miff - Penchant - To steer clear of - Riveting - To drive home (idiom) - Industrious - Flummox - Mitigate - To be on pins and needles - To leave no stone unturned - Entice - Dubious - Let the cat out of the bag - Pet peeve - Volition - Hoodwink - Throw caution to the wind - Inadvertently - Catalyst - To burst one's bubble - Feign - To make no bones ( idiom) - Onus. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons to speak fluent English - ESL - Enthrall. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons to speak fluent English - ESL - At the drop of a hat - Idiom. Vocabulary lessons to speak fluent English - ESL - Camaraderie. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons to speak fluent English - ESL - Ghastly. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons to speak fluent English - ESL - Impromptu. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons to speak fluent English - ESL - Profound. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons - ESL - Meticulous. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons to learn to speak fluent English - ESL - Irk. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons to learn fluent English - ESL - Clich. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons to learn to speak fluent English - ESL - The Gift of the Gab. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons to learn English - ESL - Averse. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons to learn fluent English - ESL

Inevitable. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons to speak fluent English - ESL - Intimidate. Vocabulary & Grammar lessonsfor learning English - ESL - Candid. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons for learning English. - To fight tooth & nail. Grammar & Vocabulary lessons for learning fluent English - Prejudice. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons for learning fluent English - ESL - Catastrophe. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons for learning fluent English - ESL - Wary. English & Grammar lessons for learning fluent English - ESL - Inhibit. Grammar lessons for learning to speak fluent English - ESL - The Last Straw. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons to speak fluent English - ESL - Clandestine. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons to learn English - ESL - PRECARIOUS. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons to speak fluent English - ESL -To have your heart in your mouth. Vocabulary, Grammar, Idioms, Phrases.


Lecture 34: Meticulous. Vocabulary & Grammar lessons to learn to speak fluent English - ESL

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Lecture Details

Learn to speak fluent English -- Accent Training, Correct Grammar usage, Idioms, Phrases and vocabulary with example sentences. Daily Video Vocabulary Episode 93 MeticulousThere are certain things that you may be very particular about, like your studies,or a project given to you. The word meticulous basically means to be extremely careful or precise aboutdoing something. If someone is meticulous, it means they do things very carefully and pay a lot ofattention to every minute detail. They are actually very finicky or fussy about something or things around them and aim for perfection. They are very particular and take great pains to get things done in an appropriate manner.The word meticulous is an adjective as it describes someone of being very particular about something. Meticulously is an adverb as it describes the action of doing something very carefully and with great attention. The word meticulousness is a noun.For example, the when the actor was getting ready for his role, he was quite meticulous in his preparations. This means, he was very careful and paid great attention in order to give his best shot.Example 01 Even though the model was meticulous about matching her clothingwith her accessories, she didnt look too great on the ramp.Example 02 Dr. Raymod is considered to be one of the best cosmetic surgeons inthe country because of his meticulous skill.Example 03 Lisa is planning her wedding very meticulously as she wants it to bethe most memorable wedding in her entire family.Example 04 James spends at least two hours each Saturday meticulouslytrimming his lawn and has the most well groomed yard on the block.Example 05 Mary is so meticulous about scrubbing the floors, her friends jokethat her kitchen is cleaner than a hospital.Example 06 Being his first mobile phone ever, ben was meticulous with it,making sure nothing broke or got scratched.Example 07 William is a meticulous packer who begins making all list ofeverything he might need on his adventurous trip two weeks in advance.Example 08 The police are examining the murder case meticulously to find outthe who the murderer is.Example 09 To impress his seniors, Peter worked meticulously on hispresentation as he didnt want to miss out on anything that was vital.Example 10 Little Mary was so excited after returning from her picnic, sheactually described her picnic scene in meticulous details to her parents andsibling.Example 11 Our accountant is very alert and sharp, he is meticulous aboutkeeping accurate records.Example 12 The teacher is meticulous in preparing her lecture notes afterreceiving a poor feedback on her performance.Example 13 The DJ plays great music and is very meticulous about picking theright songs depending on the occasion.Example 14 The yellow Tree Café is not only known for the great food theyserve, but also for their meticulous hygiene .Example 15 Richard, the manager of our company, is so meticulous about hisappearance, he is always well dressed from head to toe.Example 16 The sand artice sculpture was made by a very meticulous artist.How to speak fluent EnglishFree English, English lesson, English video, vocabulary, business English, Grammar, learn grammar, English speaking, spoken English, learn English, speak English, speaking English, fluent English, fluency in English, English training video, speak fluent English, accent training, American accent, British accent, US accent, UK accent, accent training, personality development, words, sentences, public speaking, presentation, soft skills, how to, phrases, idioms, listening skills



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Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.

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Great course. Thank you very much.
