Category: Best resources

30,000+ Free eBooks from Amazon

Love eBooks? Looking for FREE eBooks? Here is your opportunity to get 30,000+ eBooks; yes 30,000+ eBooks for FREE !!! Why Free eBooks? – You can read them offline any where, any time; – You can access/read on any smartphone, computer, PC, tablet or any other device. – You can utilize your free time effectively, time …

Khan Academy BitTorrent App

Khan Academy video lectures are available through Torrents officially, BitTorrent has an app through which all the lecture videos can be downloaded in one go. How to Download: 1. Get BitTorrent application here . 2. Go to App button on the left side of the BitTorrent 3. Find the Khan Academy app on the right side panel Click on …

350+ NPTEL Courses with Video Lectures

NPTEL, funded by Indian Govt, jointly initiated  by all seven premier IIT’s and IISc Bangalore. These Indian prestigious institutes have been hugely successful in nurturing the young Indians talent. Students from these institutes are leading many of the major multinational corporations. NPTEL provides course-ware in the form of video lectures and web courses. There are more than …