Prestressing System - Type of Prestressing - Prestressing System and Devices - Concrete - Concrete,Grout - Prestressing Steel - Losses in Prestress - Friction&Anchorage Slip -
Geographic Information System An Introduction - Introduction to Global Positioning System - GPS Positioning Methods - GPS Solutions and Errors - GPS Application - Remote Sensi
Planar Rigid Body,Degrees of freedom,Equations of Equilibrium,Planar rigid body Statics Examples,Structural Systems with rigid bodies,Types of 1-D Structural Elements,Trusses
Modes of Transportation, their importance and limitations, the importance of highway transportation
Introduction to
• Road Development Plans
• Various Highway
Introduction to Open Channel Flow: Difference between Open Channel Flow and Pipe Flow, Types of Channel, Geometric parameters of a channel, Classification of Open Channel Flow
Fundamental Concepts of Fluid Flow: Fundamental definitions, Flow characteristics, Classification of fluids, Fluid properties, Foundations of flow analysis - Fluid Statics:
Introduction and Scope
Environmental Systems: Source, Pollutant Transport and Impact on Receptor
Environmental Quality and Pollution: Air-Water quality parameters, units for
Functions of buildings and structure in general. Loads on buildings as per IS 875, IS 1893 and NBC. Functional requirements of buildings and necessity of byelaws,Role of mater
Introduction and Scope to Enzyme Science & Engineering - Characteristic Features of Enzymes -Enzymes as Biocatalysts - Enzymatic Catalysis - Specificity of Enzyme