Category: Top
We have selected 101 FREE online courses with certificates to learn in 2018. These are all top rated courses from Udemy, Coursera, edX & other course providers. Though Coursera & edX charges for certification, course material is absolutely free for all. Does Online certification by Udemy, edX or Coursera has any significance or value ? Yes, …
There are numerous programming languages available these days for developers and every language comes with some amazing features and supported tools to suit various programming needs. Many of these programming languages are either compiler based or interpreter based, so programmers would require a Compiler or an Interpreter software to execute and test the codes. Most programmers …
Nowadays we often hear the term cloud computing. While most us vaguely know that it something about storing our data on a common storage and have access to it from anywhere irrespective of the device we are using, that is entirely not true. This article gives a lowdown about what exactly is cloud computing and how …
Open courseware offered by top universities allow self-learners to access high quality educational materials for no cost. Whether expanding your knowledge on a variety of topics or sampling the programs offered at universities, free courses can benefit you. The following universities offer free college courses online to anyone wishing to complete them. University credit is not offered for any …
NPTEL, funded by Indian Govt, jointly initiated by all seven premier IIT’s and IISc Bangalore. These Indian prestigious institutes have been hugely successful in nurturing the young Indians talent. Students from these institutes are leading many of the major multinational corporations. NPTEL provides course-ware in the form of video lectures and web courses. There are more than …
Here is compilation of more than 20 Computer science courses for programmers. Most of these course video lectures are downloadable in various formats like MP4, FLV, 3Gp and Audio. Some of these courses have torrents to download, so, please check online courses torrents. Introductory and Advanced Courses Principles of Programming Languages IIT Madras Introduction to Computer Science and …