Electronics for Analog Signal Processing I
IIT Madras, , Prof. K.Radhakrishna Rao
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
IIT Madras, , Prof. K.Radhakrishna Rao
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Introduction - Diode - Diode Characteristics - Rectifier - Voltage Multiplier - Full Wave Rectifier and Peak Detector - Diode as a GATE - Analog GATE - Small Signal Analysis of Diode Circuit - Zener Regulator and Voltage Regulator - Varactor Diode - Amplifiers - Cascading of Amplifiers - h and g Parameters - Two Port Analysis - Amplifier Applications - Frequency Limitations Of An Amplifier - Distortion In Amplifiers - Bipolar Junction Transistor - Transistor Invertor - Transistor Biasing - Stable Way of Biasing - Comman Emiter Amplifiers - Transistor Biasing Using Single Supply - Metal Oxide Semiconductor - Construction of a MOSFET - Varieties of MOSFETS and JFETS - Characteristics of MOSFET - Cascading Amplifiers - Cascading (Direct Coupling) - The Differential Amplifiers - BJT Differential Amplifiers - MOSFET Differential Amplifiers - Cascading Differential Amplifiers - Current Source and Current Sink - NMOS Inverters and CMOS Inverters - Active Components used in Electronics
4.1 ( 11 )
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.