COMP1927 Data Structures and Algorithms
The University of New South Wales, , Prof. Richard Buckland
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
The University of New South Wales, , Prof. Richard Buckland
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Intro to labs - Compiling - gcc and/or eclipse - Problem Solving - topdown, systematic - Problem Solving - abstraction - if/then/else, chained ifs, while loops, function calls - primative types - typecasting - pointers - pass by reference/pass by value - arrays - arrays 2D+ - strings (basic) - strings (advanced) - subtle problems with terminating byte - pointer arithmetic (brief) - structure of memory - dynamic memory allocation - stack frames - stack overflow security - recursion (intro) - linked lists - adts (intro) - trees (intro building traversing) - graphs (intro using adjacency matrix) - adts (using, constructing) - stacks, queues - recursion - time and space complexity - big oh notation - analysing complexity (a priori) - analysing complexity (a postori) - big oh notation - bfs dfs search - trees and tree algorithms - self balancing trees - graphs and graph algorithms - c99 extensions - for, switch - intro to unstructured commands - style - documentation - unit testing - systematic debugging - programming in groups
4.1 ( 11 )
this was not a real lecture - it was just some miscellaneous chitchat before the extension lecture started. Rupert and Thurston recorded it as we were having some troubles with the recording software (wirecast) and wanted to do a test session to try out a new setup they were hoping would be better. mainly i was chatting about keeping secrets from Dracula in the project for those interested, then some random things before the extension lecture started.
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.