Numerical Methods and Programing
IIT Madras, , Prof. P.B.Sunil Kumar
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
IIT Madras, , Prof. P.B.Sunil Kumar
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Introduction to Pointers - Programing Basics - Pointers And Arrays - Functions and Argument Passing - Representation of Numbers - Numerical Error- Error Propagation and Stability - Polynomial Interpolation - Error In Interpolation Polynomial - Polynomial Interpolation - Cubic Spline Interpolation - Data Fitting : Linear Fit,Non Linear Fit - Matrix Elimination and Solution - Solution To Linear Equations Matrix Elimination - Eigen Values of A Matrix - Eigen Values And Eigen Vectors - Solving NonLinear Equations - Solving NonLinear Equations Newton - Methods For Solving NonLinear Equations - System of NonLinear Equations - Numerical Derivations - High order Derivatives From Difference Formula - Numerical Integration - Basic Rules - Comparison of Different Basic Rules - Gaussian Rules - Comparison of Gaussian Rules - Solving Ordinary Differential Equations - Adaptive step size Runge Kutta scheme - Partial Differential Equations - Explicit and Implicit Methods - The Crank - Nicholson Scheme For Two Spatial - Fourier Transforms - Fast Fourier Transforms
4.1 ( 11 )
Numerical Methods and Programing by Prof.P.B.Sunil Kumar, Department of Physics, IIT Madras
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.