Conference speaker
Other, , Prof. Patrick Dixon
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Other, , Prof. Patrick Dixon
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
conference keynote speaker on future trends and business, industry, consumers, lifestyles, marketing, management, leadership and motivation. Future of travel, tourism, banks, banking, financial services, energy, real estate, construction, retail, manufacturing, logistics, distribution, environment, sustainabilty, telecommunications, IT, software.
4.1 ( 11 ) 1 billion new consumers. Can economic growth continue indefinitely? What is the limit to resources? Limits on carbon, oil, gas, coal reservers. Potential impact of nuclear fusion technology. Commodities aluminium, copper, steel, precious metals, water, farming land and food supplies, gold. Real challenges for future generations. Many problems are solveable if we can produce unlimited clean energy at relatively low cost with new technologies. Why meat production is so wasteful of resources. Conference keynote speaker and Futurist Dr Patrick Dixon.
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.