Futurist - what is a futurist? Futurist Conferences
Other, , Prof. Patrick Dixon
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Other, , Prof. Patrick Dixon
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Videos by Europe's leading Futurist Patrick Dixon on global trends. What is a Futurist? Future of management, marketing and motivation. Futurist lectures and conference keynote presentations. Many Futurist videos by Patrick Dixon on issues such as banking, financial services, energy, oil, gas, coal, renewables, sustainable business and sustainability, transport, rail, aviation, shipping, construction, real estate, manufacturing, wholesale, logistics, distribution, retail, engineering, IT, software, computers, telecom and telecmmunications. Future of corporations, consumers, customers and lifestyles. Future of work and workplace motivation, leadership and change management. Risk management, strategy development, biotechnology, nanotechnology and information. Future of education, schools and colleges, university education. Future of social networks and networking, cloud computing. For more see http://www.globalchange.com
4.1 ( 11 )
httpwww.globalchange.com When world changes -- how long does it take to develop new business strategy? Scenario planning vital to business success, contingencies, risk management, disruption of business, disaster planning, terrorist attacks. Global trends. September 11 and impact on aviation industry British Airways business models. Rapid response to changes, currency crisis, political crisis. Multiple plans, dynamic leadership, flat leadership structures. Banks and insurance industry planning. Innovative thinking. Keeping business options open. Innovation in Google, experiments. Oil industry risk, fixed infrastructure investment.
Strategy, leadership, management, risk, change, trends, scenarios, planning, business, leaders, managers, Patrick, Dixon
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.