
MA 241 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus II

North Carolina State University, , Prof. John Griggs

Updated On 02 Feb, 19


Additional Integration Techniques - Trig Integrals, Partial Fractions - Trig Substitution - Long Division - Trapezoidal Rule, Simpsons Rule - Simpsons Rule Cont, Error Bound - Infinite Intervals - Discontinuous Integrands, Comparison Theorem - Area between curves, Area enclosed by Parametric Curves - Area enclosed by Parametric Curves - Solids of Revolution - Solids of Revolution review, Cylindrical Shells - Arc Length - Average Value of a Function Mean Value Theorem for Integrals - Applications to Physics and Engineering - Hooke's Law - Spring Problem - Pumping Problem - Moments and Centers of Mass - Modeling with Differential Equations - Direction Fields and Eulers Method - Separable Differential Equations - Orthogonal Trajectories - Exponential Growth and Decay - Compound Interest - Newtons Law of Cooling - The Logistic Equation - 2nd Order Linear Differential Equations - Terms Auxiliary equation

Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations - Sequences - Convergence and Divergence - Alternating signs - Fibonacci sequence - Geometric Progression - Series - Geometric Progression Convergence and Value - Derivation and Integration - Telescoping - Harmonic - Divergence Test - Convergence Rules - Taylor and MacLaurin Series - Binomial Series Derivation -
