Foundations of Modern Social Theory
Yale, , Prof. Iván Szelényi
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Yale, , Prof. Iván Szelényi
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Introduction - Hobbes: Authority, Human Rights and Social Order - Locke: Equality, Freedom, Property and the Right to Dissent - The Division of Powers- Montesquieu - Rousseau: Popular Sovereignty and General Will - Rousseau on State of Nature and Education - Utilitarianism and Liberty, John Stuart Mill - Smith: The Invisible Hand - Marx's Theory of Alienation-Marx's Theory of Historical Materialism - Marx's Theory of Historical Materialism -Nietzsche on Power, Knowledge and Morality - freud on Sexuality and Civilization - Weber on Protestantism and Capitalism - Conceptual Foundations of Weber's Theory of Domination - Weber on Traditional Authority - Weber on Charismatic Authority-Weber on Legal - Rational Authority - Weber's Theory of Class - Durkheim and Types of Social Solidarity - Durkheim's Theory of Anomie - Durkheim on Suicide - Durkheim and Social Facts
4.1 ( 11 )
Foundations of Modern Social Thought (SOCY 151)
In the transition from mechanical solidarity to organic solidarity, brought on by increasing division of labor, industrialization, and urbanization, Durkheim argues that there will be social pathologies, which he calls anomie. These abnormal and unhealthy consequences of the change in type of social solidarity have various causes. Durkheim is best known for arguing that a lack of moral regulation leads to social pathologies, but he also argues that overregulation—in the form of forced division of labor—will lead to fatalism, a kind of anomie. Anomie resulting from excessive demands on individuals from the market is similar to Marxs notion of alienation, although Durkheim does not use the terms alienation or exploitation. For Durkheim, anomie is an irregular form of the increasing division of labor and industrialization; it is not internal to the system itself. Durkheims optimism about capitalism and his position that people need regulation, similar to Hobbess conception of human nature, contrast sharply with Marxs ideas.
Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website httpopen.yale.educourses
This course was recorded in Fall 2009.
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.