Introduction to Aerospace Propulsion
IIT Bombay, , Prof. Bhaskar Roy
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
IIT Bombay, , Prof. Bhaskar Roy
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Introduction to Propulsion : The making of thrust to fly - science and history of propulsion; How the jet engines make thrust : conceptual basis; Jet engine : Turbo-jet, Turbo-fans, Turbo prop, Turbo-shaft.
Thermodynamic basis of Propulsion devices : Basic concepts ; System-Boundary, Surroundings; State, Stable Equilibrium, State Co-ordinates and parameters, Extensive and Intensive Parameters; Energy interactions, Work and Heat transfers, Equilibrium, Quasistatic and Reversible process, Non-equilibrium and Irreversible Processes; Zeroeth Law and Temperature, First Law and Internal Energy; Second Law - Entropy and Absolute Temperature; Third Law and Absolute Entropy - Thermodynamics of simple compressible systems, State postulate, Fundamental Representations, Thermodynamic Potentials; Jacobean and Legender Transformations - Maxwell's Equations, Derivation of thermodynamic properties. Applications: Closed and open systems, Polytropic processes, Cyclic process - Carnots cycle; Gas and vapour power cycles; Mixtures of gases and vapours, One-D compressible flow, isentropic flow, flow with friction and heat transfer, supersonic flow and normal shock.
Piston Prop Engines for Aircraft : The Otto cycles; IC engines for aircraft application Reciprocating engine performance; Supercharging and Performance enhancement; Propeller fundamentals & Theories - Ideal cycles for Jet Propulsion - Introduction to Missiles, Rockets & Space Propulsion.
4.1 ( 11 )
Introduction to Aerospace Propulsion by Prof. Bhaskar Roy and Prof. A. M. Pradeep, Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay For more details on NPTEL visit
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.