
Mass Transfer

IIT Kanpur, , Prof. Nishith Verma

Updated On 02 Feb, 19


Mass transfer operations in process industries : Absorption, Distillation, Extraction, Adsorption, Drying; Design and performance of unit - Operations : Rate and equilibrium stage based modeling approaches - Fundamentals of mass transfer : Diffusion, Fick's first law, mass transfer coefficients, film theory/surface renewal theory/boundary layer theory,Cocurrent, counter current and cross-current continuous contact, material balance and operating line - Equilibrium stage modeling : Co-current cascades, counter-current cascades, cross-current cascades, operating and equilibrium lines, number of equilibrium stages - Absorption : Equilibrium approach : Henry's law, Raoult's law, material balance, operating line, minimum liquid flowrates, number of equilibrium stages, deviation from ideal systems (Murphee efficiency) - Rate approach : Number of transfer units (NTU), height of transfer units (HTU) Packed and staged columns - Hydrodynamic considerations : Loading/flooding criterion, pressure-drops - Distillation : Vapor-liquid equilibrium, T-x-y diagram, bubble and dew point calculations - Flash calculations,Ponchon-Savarit and McCabe-Thiele method for equilibrium stage calculations - Minimum and total reflux., optimum design

Deviation from ideal VLE : azeoptropic distillation, packed column design, complex distillation columns,Fenske- Underwood-Gilliland shortcut method for multi-component distillation Design - Extraction : Ternary liquid-liquid equilibrium, triangular coordinates, single-stage extraction,Multi-stage cross-current extraction, continuous countercurrent multistage extraction - Adsorption and ion exchange:Physical and chemical adsorption, adsorbents, adsorption equilibrium and isotherms,Single-stage, multi-stage cross-current and multi-stage counter current operations,equilibrium and operating lines,Liquid-solid agitated vessel adsorber, packed continuous contactor, breakthrough curves,Rate equations for non-porous and porous adsorbents, nonisothermal operation, pressure-swing adsorption,Principles of ion exchange, analogy between adsorption and ion exchange - Drying : Equilibrium, insoluble and soluble liquids,Drying rate curve, rate and time of batch drying,Mechanisms of batch drying, continuous drying.
