Jet and Rocket Propulsion
IIT Kanpur, , Prof. A. Kushari
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
IIT Kanpur, , Prof. A. Kushari
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
What is Flying - Mythology - History of Aviation - Ballons - Leonardo da Vinci - First Powered Flight - Rockets - Features - Applications - History of Rockets - William Congreve - Early Rockets - William Congreve - Early Rockets - Modern day rockets and space flight - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935) - Robert Esnault-Pelterie - Robert Hutchings Goddard - V2 Rocket - Cold War - Sputnik - Yuri Gagarin - Cold War - Yuri Gagarin - Saturn V - Apollo Mission - Soyuz - Space Shuttle - International Space Station - Indian Space Research Organization ISRO - DRDO - Solid Propellant Rocket Motor - Applications - Components - Double Base Propellants - Composite Modified Double Base - Nitramine Propellants - Composite Propellants - Characteristics of some propellants - Mechanism of burning (Double base) - Burn Rate Estimation - Formulation - Characteristics of some propellants - Burn Rate r - Burning Mechanism for Composite Propellants - Burn Rate r - Thrust produced by a rocket F=CFPcoA* - Grain Configuration - Possibilities for Section A-A - Grain Designs - Variation of Chamber Pressure - Burn Time - Igniter - Pyrotechnic Igniter - Pyrogen Igniter - Mechanism of Ignition - Image - SPACE SHUTTLE SOLID ROCKET BOOSTERS - Graphite Epoxy Motor - PEGASUS SOLID ROCKET - Some Performance Data
4.1 ( 11 )
Jet and Rocket Propulsion by Dr. A. Kushari,Department of Aerospace Engineering,IIT Kanpur.For more details on NPTEL visit
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.