
Englsh Grammar

Other, , Prof. Rachna

Updated On 02 Feb, 19


Dating and relationship Vocabulary - Spoken English Lesson - Using mustn't and needn't correctly - Using the future perfect continuous tense - Ill have been working - Using the expression ought to in English ( Modal Auxiliary Verb) - The difference between in and Inside - 'Will I/we' OR 'Shall I/we' in questions (Future) - Which one is correct? - Using Each other and One Another correctly - The Past Continuous Tense (I was Sleeping) - 03 basic uses of being - Difference between 'Idle', 'Idol' & 'Ideal' - The difference between of and off - Present Perfect Continuous Tense VS Past Perfect Continuous Tense - Using Used to and would with Past actions - The Past Perfect Tense (I had gone) - Difference between - dead, death and die - Present Perfect tense (We have gone) and Simple past tense (we went) - Phrases to talk about Driving in English - Expressing Time in English - Using an with consonant abbreviations - How to use multiple adjectives in a sentence? - Using travel words in English - The difference between Lay and Lie - Talking about addictions in English - The difference between passed and past- Saying sorry and Excusing yourself in English - Describing a bad day at work - Using 'too' correctly - Making, Accepting & Declining an invitation in English - Phrasal verbs with ASK - Using Should, Could and Would have done correctly - English Phrasal Verbs - Using the word 'Thing' in different ways - How to achieve your New Year Resolutions? - How to avoid giving information? English Lesson to practice conversation - Using 'ed' and 'ing' adjectives correctly - 14 different ways to say ' I Like it ' - 07 reasons - Why your English speaking isn't improving - Spoken English tips - Difference between 'See', 'Watch' and 'Look' - The difference between the verbs 'Speak' and 'Talk' - Difference between ' I Hope ' and ' I Wish ' - Difference between ' Small ' & ' Little ' - The difference between 'Beside' and 'Besides' - Using 'Myself', Yourself, Ourselves, Themselves Correctly - Reflexive Pronouns - Difference between 'Almost', 'Almost All' and 'Most' - Using 'Also' , 'Too' & 'Either' correctly in a sentence - Using Some & Any - Using ' TO BE ' as the main verb in a sentence - Using the expression 'BUT' in different ways - Modal verbs - Can and Could - Making Suggestions and Recommendations


Lecture 11: The difference between ‘of ‘and ‘off’ –

4.1 ( 11 )

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The difference between ‘of ‘and ‘off’ – Free Spoken English Lessons

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A lot of people get confused when they have to use the two words ‘of’ and ‘off’. Though they sound the same, but their usage is very different. They cannot be used interchangeably.

Of shows connection

1. The hat is made of cotton.
2. I eat a handful of nuts.(shows an amountquantity)
3. Sarah is a friend of Mary.(shows the relationship between the two)
4. John is born on 1st of May.(connects the date and month)
5. He gave her a ring of diamonds.(consisting)

Off always shows disconnection

1. Take off your hat. (remove your hat)
2. Stay off nuts for a few months. (stay away)
3. She always runs off without saying goodbye. (run away from a place)
4. His birthday is a long way off. (far away from today)
5. The wedding is called off. (cancelled)



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Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.

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Great course. Thank you very much.
