Englsh Grammar
Other, , Prof. Rachna
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Other, , Prof. Rachna
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Dating and relationship Vocabulary - Spoken English Lesson - Using mustn't and needn't correctly - Using the future perfect continuous tense - Ill have been working - Using the expression ought to in English ( Modal Auxiliary Verb) - The difference between in and Inside - 'Will I/we' OR 'Shall I/we' in questions (Future) - Which one is correct? - Using Each other and One Another correctly - The Past Continuous Tense (I was Sleeping) - 03 basic uses of being - Difference between 'Idle', 'Idol' & 'Ideal' - The difference between of and off - Present Perfect Continuous Tense VS Past Perfect Continuous Tense - Using Used to and would with Past actions - The Past Perfect Tense (I had gone) - Difference between - dead, death and die - Present Perfect tense (We have gone) and Simple past tense (we went) - Phrases to talk about Driving in English - Expressing Time in English - Using an with consonant abbreviations - How to use multiple adjectives in a sentence? - Using travel words in English - The difference between Lay and Lie - Talking about addictions in English - The difference between passed and past- Saying sorry and Excusing yourself in English - Describing a bad day at work - Using 'too' correctly - Making, Accepting & Declining an invitation in English - Phrasal verbs with ASK - Using Should, Could and Would have done correctly - English Phrasal Verbs - Using the word 'Thing' in different ways - How to achieve your New Year Resolutions? - How to avoid giving information? English Lesson to practice conversation - Using 'ed' and 'ing' adjectives correctly - 14 different ways to say ' I Like it ' - 07 reasons - Why your English speaking isn't improving - Spoken English tips - Difference between 'See', 'Watch' and 'Look' - The difference between the verbs 'Speak' and 'Talk' - Difference between ' I Hope ' and ' I Wish ' - Difference between ' Small ' & ' Little ' - The difference between 'Beside' and 'Besides' - Using 'Myself', Yourself, Ourselves, Themselves Correctly - Reflexive Pronouns - Difference between 'Almost', 'Almost All' and 'Most' - Using 'Also' , 'Too' & 'Either' correctly in a sentence - Using Some & Any - Using ' TO BE ' as the main verb in a sentence - Using the expression 'BUT' in different ways - Modal verbs - Can and Could - Making Suggestions and Recommendations
4.1 ( 11 )
Using ‘an’ with consonant abbreviations – Free Grammar Lesson
You have learned that ‘a’ is used before a noun with a consonant sound and ‘an’ is used before a noun with vowel.
But what about when we use abbreviations in a sentence ?
See some examples listed below
Example 01 John is working with an FMCG company. (use an because ‘F’ when used in an abbreviation, has a vowel sound. But in its full form it would be, a fast moving consumer goods company)
Example 02 He’s working as an HR officer. (use an because ‘H’ when used in an abbreviation, has a vowel sound. But in its full form it would be, a human resource officer)
Example 03 He received an LOA from his boss. (use an because ‘L’ when used in an abbreviation, has a vowel sound. But in its full form it would be, a letter of appreciation)
Example 04 He’s got an MBA degree from the best university. (use an because ‘M’ when used in an abbreviation, has a vowel sound. But in its full form it would be a Master’s in Business Administration degree)
Example 05 He was working with an NGO a few years ago. (use an because ‘N’ when used in an abbreviation, has a vowel sound. But in its full form it would be a non government organization)
Example 06 He always wanted to be an RJ. (use an because ‘R’ when used in an abbreviation, has a vowel sound. But in its full form it would be a radio jockey)
Example 07 He drives an SUV. (use an because ‘S’ when used in an abbreviation, has a vowel sound. But in its full form it would be a sports utility vehicle)
Example 08 He had to get an X-Ray done. (use an because it has the same vowel sound like ‘ex-student’)
When the consonant letters ‘f, h, l, m, n, r, s, x’ are used in abbreviations, they have a vowel sound and hence they are followed by ‘an’.
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.