
ARM Based Development

Other, , Prof. S.Chandramouleeswaran

Updated On 02 Feb, 19


ARM Introduction and Pipeline structures:Types of computer Architectures, ISA's and ARM History. Embedded System Software and Hardware, stack implementation in ARM, Endianness, condition codes. Processor core VS CPU core, ARM7TDMI Interface signals, Memory Interface, Bus Cycle types, Register set, Operational Modes. Instruction Format, ARM Core Data Flow Model, ARM 3 stage Pipeline, ARM family attribute comparison. ARM 5 stage Pipeline, Pipeline Hazards, Data forwarding - a hardware solution;ARM7TDMI assembly instructions and modes:ARM ISA and Processor Variants, Different Types of Instructions, ARM Instruction set, data processing instructions. Shift Operations, shift Operations using RS lower byte, Immediate value encoding. Dataprocessing Instructions. AddressingMode-1, Addressing Mode -2. Addressing Mode -2, LDR/STR, Addressing mode -3 with examples. Instruction Timing, Addressing Mode - 4 with Examples. Swap Instructions, Swap Register related Instructions, Loading Constants. Program Control Flow, Control Flow Instructions, B & BL instructions, BX instruction. Interrupts and Exceptions, Exception Handlers, Reset Handling. Aborts, software Interrupt Instruction, undefined instruction exception. Interrupt Latency, Multiply Instructions, Instruction set examples. Thumb state, Thumb Programmers model, Thumb Implementation, Thumb Applications. Thumb Instructions, Interrupt processing. Interrupt Handelling schemes, Examples of Interrupt Handlers;ARM Coprocessor Interface and VFP:ARM coprocessor interface and Instructions, Coprocessor Instructions, data Processign Instruction, data transfers, register transfers. Number representations, floating point representation (IEEE754). Flynn's Taxonomy, SIMD and Vector Processors, Vector Floating Point Processor (VFP), VFP and ARM interactions, An example vector operation.

Cache and Memory Management and Protection:Memory Technologies, Need for memory Hierarchy, Hierarchical Memory Organization, Virtual Memory. Cache Memory, Mapping Functions. Cache Design, Unified or split cache, multiple level of caches, ARM cache features, coprocessor 15 for system control. Processes, Memory Map, Protected Systems, ARM systems with MPU, memory Protection Unit (MPU). Physical Vs Virtual Memory, Paging, Segmentation. MMU Advantage, virtual memory translation, Multitasking with MMU, MMU organization, Tightly coupled Memory (TCM) - ARM tools and Peripherals:ARM Development Environment, Arm Procedure Call Standard (APCS), Example C program. Embedded software Development, Image structure, linker inputs and outputs, memory map, application startup. AMBA Overview, Typical AMAB Based Microcontroller, AHB bus features, AHB Bus transfers, APB bus transfers, APB bridge. DMA, Peripherals, Programming Peripherals in ARM. ARM ISAs, ARMv5, ARMv6, ARM v7, big.little technology, ARMv8. ARM ISAs, ARMv5, ARMv6, ARM v7, big.little technology, ARMv8


Lecture 18: Flynns Taxonomy, SIMD and Vector Processors, Vector Floating Point Processor

4.1 ( 11 )

Lecture Details

ARM Based Development by S.Chandramouleeswaran,Independent Embedded SW Trainer,Bangalore.For more details on NPTEL visit httpnptel.ac.in



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Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.

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Great course. Thank you very much.
