
Chemical Reaction Engineering II

IIT Bombay, , Prof. A.K. Suresh

Updated On 02 Feb, 19


Introduction to catalysts and catalysis:Catalysts and catalytic reactors, heterogeneous catalyst, activation energy, porous structure, types of catalysts, adsorption - Steps in catalytic reaction: adsorption, desorption and reaction:Steps in catalysis, adsorption, desorption, surface reaction, types of catalytic reactors, adsorption isotherm, single site, dual site mechanisms, Langmuir Hinshelwood, Eley Rideal, Rate controlling steps - Derivation of the rate equation:Rate controlling steps, Rate law for hetergeneous reaction, Derivation of rate equation, Catalytic sites, Equilibrium, Site balance - Heterogenous data analysis for reactor design:Deduce mechanism; reactor design - Fluidized reactor; Case study: Germanium epitaxial growth - Catalyst deactivation and accounting for it in design - Deactivation; Rate law; Modes of deactivation - Poisoning; Fluidized CSTR; Moving bed reactor - Synthesize the rate equation:Experimental data, dehydrogenation of cyclohexane, validation, laboratory reactors for catalytic reactions, differential reactors, slurry reactor, least square method - Introduction to intraparticle diffusion:Internal (intraparticle) diffusion, wall effect, tortuosity, porosity, effective diffusivity, constriction, flux, differential balance, types of rate constants and their units, concentration profile inside the catalyst, Thiele modulus

ntraparticle diffusion: Thiele modulus and effectiveness factor:Concentration profile inside the catalyst, effectiveness factor, Derivation of effectiveness factor, Thiele modulus - Diffusion limited reaction, reactor design, effectiveness factor, spinning basket reactor, apparent order, apparent activation energy, non-isothermal effectiveness factor - Exothermic reaction, thermal conductivity of catalyst, multiple steady states, endothermic reaction, catalyst geometries, catalyst slab - Effectiveness factor and Introduction to external mass transfer:Effect of catalyst particle diameter, external mass transfer, boundary layer, mass transfer coefficient, rate controlling mechanism - External Mass Transfer:External mass transfer coefficient, Reynolds number, Schmidt number, Sherwood number, interfacial area, fixed bed reactor - Implications to rate data interpretation and design:Weisz-Prater criterion; Mearscriterion; Packed-bed reactor design - Generalized criterion; Network of first order reactions; Vector of effectiveness factors - Packed-bed reactor design:Different configurations; Packed-bed reactor design: First order reaction, Second order reaction - Fluidized bed reactor design:Kunii-Levenspiel model: Basic principles - Different regimes; Mass transport in fluidized beds; First order reaction; resistances

Gas-liquid reactions-1: Theories of mass transfer into agitated liquids:Mass transfer into agitated liquids; Film theory, Penetration theory - GLR-2: Effect of chemical reaction on mass transfer: the slow reaction regime:Film theory, pseudo-first order, Hatta number, slow reaction regime, kinetic sub-regime, diffusional sub-regime - GLR-3: Transition to fast reaction, and the Fast reaction regime:Film theory, Enhancement factor; transition to fast reaction, Fast reaction regime - GLR-4: Fast reaction example; Instantaneous reaction regime:Film theory, second order case; Instantaneous reaction; limiting enhancement; enhancement factor plot - GLR-5: Transition to Instantaneous reaction; Reaction regimes in surface renewal theories:Film theory, transition from fast to Instantaneous reaction; Surface renewal theories, slow reaction - GLR-6: Reaction regimes in surface renewal theories:Surface renewal theories, transition to fast reaction, fast reaction regime, comparison of surface renewal and film theories, Danckwerts plot, second order reaction with mass transfer - GLR-7: Surface renewal theories: Instantaneous reaction and Summing up:Surface renewal theories, Instantaneous reaction, reactor design

Fluid-solid non-catalytic reactions:Modes; Basic principles; Progressive-conversion model; Shrinking core model - Gas film diffusion control; Ash layer diffusion control; Surface reaction control - Other geometries, Combination of resistances; Case study: Dissolution of monodispersed and polydispersed particles - Distribution of residence time:Introduction; Non-ideal reactor examples: Gas-liquid CSTR, Packed-bed reactor, CSTR - Measurement of residence time distribution:Pulse input; Step input; RTD functions: E and F-curves - Residence time distribution function:Properties: Mean, variance, skewness; RTD of ideal reactors: PFR, CSTR - Reactor diagnostics and troubleshooting:RTD of laminar flow reactors; RTD functions: Perfect operation, Bypassing, Dead volume - Modeling non-ideal reactors:Combination of reactors: PFR-CSTR in Series; Mixing: Macro- and Micro-mixing - Residence time distribution: Performance of non-ideal reactors:Segregation model; Maximum mixedness model; RTD with multiple reactions - Non-ideal Reactors: Tanks-in-series model:Non-ideal reactors, tank-in-series model, one parameter model, axial mixing, variance, E curve - Non-ideal Reactors: Dispersion model:Dispersion model, closed-closed vessel, open-open vessel, Peclet number, E curve - Non-ideal Reactors: Dispersion model and introduction to multiparameter models - Dispersion model, Damkohler number, conversion in non-ideal tubular reactor, two parameter model, dead zones, bypass, E curve - Non-ideal Reactors: Multiparameter models:Tracer experiment, multiparameter model, ideal reactor network, E curve


Lecture 1: Introduction to catalysts and catalysis

4.1 ( 11 )

Lecture Details

Chemical Reaction Engineering II by Prof. A.K. Suresh,Prof. Sanjay M. Mahajani & Prof. Ganesh A. Viswanathan,Department of Chemical Engineering,IIT Bombay.For more details on NPTEL visit httpnptel.ac.in



8 Ratings
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Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.

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Great course. Thank you very much.
