Electronic materials, devices, and fabrication
IIT Madras, , Prof. S. Parasuraman
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
IIT Madras, , Prof. S. Parasuraman
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Introduction to chemical bonding and development of band gap - Introduction and types of semiconductors. Explanation of density of states, Fermi energy, and band occupancy - Problem set on bonding,density of states, and Fermi statistics - Intrinsic semiconductors, carrier concentration, mobility, temperature dependence - Problem set on intrinsic semiconductors - Extrinsic semiconductors. Dopant types and materials. Conductivity, Fermi energy position,temperature dependence - Problem set on extrinsic semiconductors - Metal-semiconductor junctions. Schottky vs. Ohmic junctions. Band gap diagrams. I-V characteristics - Problem set on metal-semiconductor junctions - p-n junctions. Equlibrium and under bias ( forward and reverse). Band diagrams. I-V characteristics. Junction breakdown. Heterojunctions - Problem set on pn junctions - Transistors-BJT,JFET,MOSFET. Transistor action. Basics of BJT and JFET.Channel formation in MOSFET. I-V behavior.Depletion and inversion layer calculation - Problem set on transistors - Optoelectronic materials. Introduction. LEDs,LASERs,photodetectors,solar cells - Problem set on optical properties - Problem set on optoelectronic devices - Introduction to semiconductor manufacturing. History,overview of process flow, manufacturing goals. Scaling - Wafer manufacturing. Si ingot preparation. Poly to single crystal conversion. Czochralski vs. float zone method - IC device manufacturing overview. Thermal oxidation. Doping. Lithography. Etching and growth. Metallization and growth - Process and device evaluation. Yield monitoring and control - Clean room design. Contamination control - Devices and IC formation. IC circuit logic and packaging
4.1 ( 11 )
Electronic materials, devices, and fabrication by Prof S. Parasuraman,Department of Metallurgy and Material Science,IIT Madras.For more details on NPTEL visit httpnptel.ac.in
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.