Environmental Degradation of Materials
IIT Kanpur, , Prof. Kallol Mondal
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
IIT Kanpur, , Prof. Kallol Mondal
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
INTRODUCTION:Definitions - Different forms of Environmental degradation - Cost of Corrosion - Electrochemical Nature - Aims;THERMODYNAMICS:Process at Interface - Free Energy and Electrochemical Potential - EMF Series - Nernst Relationship - Important Reactions - Cell Potential - Reference Electrodes - Advanced Thermodynamics (E-pH Diagrams);KINETICS:Current Density and Corrosion Rate - Corrosion Rate Expressions - Exchange Current Density - Polarization - Experimental Techniques;MIXED POTENTIAL THEORY:Postulates - Applications to Active Metals;PASSIVATION:Historical Interest - Polarization Behaviour - Application of Mixed Potential Theory;FORMS OF CORROSION: DIFFERENT FACTORS:Metal Purity - Crystal Defects - Grain Structure - Concentration cells - Velocity - Temperature - Humidity - Stress - Microbial effect - Liquid metal effect;FORMS OF CORROSION:Uniform - Galvanic - Intergranular - Crevice - Pitting - Dealloying - Erosion - Stress related corrosion;CORROSION MEASUREMENT AND FAILURE ANALYSIS:Philosophy - Laboratory Tests - Test Specimens - Electronic Probes;HIGH TEMPERATURE OXIDATION:Reactions - Thermodynamics - Oxide Structure - Oxide Growth - Hot Corrosion;CORROSION CONTROL: PHILOSOPHY,MATERIALS SELECTION:Stainless Steels - Nickel and Nickel Alloys - Other Metal Alloys - Plastics - Nonmetallics;CORROSION CONTROL:PROTECTIVE COATINGS:Metallic Coatings - Conversion Coatings - Organic Coatings - Ceramic Coatings;CORROSION CONTROL:INHIBITORS:Passivators - Barrier Inhibitors - Poisons - Scavengers - Neutralizers - Mixed Potential Theory Approach
CORROSION CONTROL ELECTRICAL METHODS:Sacrifical Anode Cathothic Protection - Impressed Current Cathodic Protection - Anodic Protection - Mixed Potential Theory Analysis;COREOSION CONTROL BY DESIGN:Establishing Uniform Corrosion - Minimization of Moisture Condensation - Prevention of Galvanic Cells - Prevention of Environment Cells - Prevention of Corrosion-Mechanical Interactions - Design for Inspection and Maintainence;DEGRADATION OF POLYMERIC MATERIALS:Swelling and Dissolution - Bond Rupture - Weathering - Other Processes - Polymer Cycling and Degradation;CORROSION OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS:Galvanic Effects - Matrix Nature - Reinforcement Nature - Prevention;FUTURE OUTLOOK:Corrosion and Society - Research - Industry
4.1 ( 11 )
Environmental Degradation of Materials by Dr.Kallol Mondal,Department of Metallurgy and Material Science,IIT Kanpur.For more details on NPTEL visit httpnptel.ac.in
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.