Week 1 : Introduction
Week 2 : Embodied energy, Operational energy in Building and Life cycle energy. Ecological foot print, Bio-capacity and calculation of planet equivalent.
Week 3 : Role of Material: Carbon from Cement, alternative cements and cementitious material, Alternative fuel for cements for reduction in carbon emission,Sustainability issues for concrete,
Week 4 : Role of quality, minimization of natural resource utilization, High volume fly ash concrete, geo-polymer concrete etc. concrete with alternative material for sustainability
Week 5 : Reduction in water consumption in concrete, Recycled aggregate, Energy for grinding crushing of cement aggregate etc. and reduction. Operational energy in building role of materials and thermal conductivity
Week 6 : Clay Bricks, Types kilns, Comparative energy performance emission performance and financial performance, Indoor air quality
Week 7 : Paints, adhesive and sealants for use in building, volatile organic content (VOC) emission issues and indoor air quality for sustainability and health hazard
Week 8 : Operational energy reduction and net zero building, Optimization for design of building for energy efficiency and example of optimization through use of Evolutionary genetic algorithm
Week 9 : Radiation budget, urban heat island; Surface water balane, Effects of trees and microclimatic modification through greening,
Week 10: Use of Building Integrated Photo Voltaic (BIPV) and other renewable energy in buildings, basic concepts and efficiency
Week 11: Energy codes ECBC requirement, Concepts of OTTV etc
Week 12: Green Performance rating, requirements of LEED, GRIHA etc.