Course Description
On course completion You will be Mastered in REST API/Webservices Testing and can implement Successfully it in your work place or will surely land on High Paying Job
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So what makes this course Unique in the Market?
We assume that students have no experience in API Testing and start every topic from scratch and basics.
This Course explains
·What are the Webservices and API's
·How to Test the Webservices using Soap UI
Manual Testing of Services and API's using SoapUI tool
Groovy Scripting Basics
·How to Automate the Webservices Testcases in Soap UI with Groovy
·Differences btween Soap UI and Soap UI Pro
·Soap UI Pro Features
What are Rest API
Manual Testing of REST API's using SoapUI tool
Automation of Rest API's using SoapUI Groovy and Script Assertions
SoapUI Framework development from scratch using TestNG, Jenkins and Java API
·Security Testing with Soap UI
·DataBase Testing with Soap UI
Soap UI Integration with Eclipse
By the End of this Course you will understand the webservice and API specifications and write all kind of effective Manual and Automation testcases (Functional/Security/Data Base Testcases) for services in Soap ui by using all the available features on Tool