Developing Applications for iOS & Swift4
Stanford, , Prof. Michel Deiman
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Stanford, , Prof. Michel Deiman
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Tools and APIs required to build applications for the iPhone and iPad platforms using the iOS SDK. User interface design for mobile devices and unique user interactions using multi-touch technologies. Object-oriented design using model-view-controller paradigm, memory management, Swift programming language. Other topics include: object-oriented database API, animation, mobile device power management, multi-threading, networking and performance considerations.
4.1 ( 11 )
P.s.: Please find document links below!!
Paul Hegarty provides an overview of the lecture series and introduces the different components in iOS. He concludes with a demo of Concentration Game.
Topics Include:
iOS 11 Overview, Core OS, Core Services, Media, Cocoa Touch, Platform Components, Tools, Language(s), Frameworks, Design Strategy
(Complete first reading assignment now! - See my Google drive.)
All videos are on iTunesU (including English subtitles):
Slides and other material provided by Stanford University can be found on my Google drive:
Stanford CS 193P iPhone Application Development (not updated yet by Stanford):
All programming assignments will be subsequently published on my GitHub page:
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.