
Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology

IIT Kharagpur, , Prof. Anjali Pal

Updated On 02 Feb, 19


The objective of the course is to provide students with basic concepts from environmental chemistry and microbiology for understanding and solving environmental problems.
Major topics that will be covered in environmental chemistry are: review of basic concepts in chemistry, concept of chemical equilibria, equilibrium constants and activity, reaction kinetics, acid and basis, polyprotic acids and bases, acidity, alkalinity, carbonate system, pH-Ct, buffers, and solubility reactions, nuclear chemistry, nitrogen chemistry and chlorination.
Major topics that will be covered in environmental microbiology are: Introduction, the bacteria, the fungi, the algae, protozoa and other higher forms, viruses, pathogens and disease, microbial growth and enumeration, control of microorganisms, microbial diversity and metabolic pathways for remediating contaminated water, solid and hazardous waste, and soil.


Lecture 5: Lecture 04: Acids,Bases and Salts part-IV

4.1 ( 11 )

Lecture Details

1-Acid-base indicators
2-Phenolphthalein, for example, exists in two tautomeric forms: one benzenoid form (non-ionised and colourless), and the other quinonoid form which ionises and gives a pinkish-red colour (indicator ion) in presence of alkali
3-Weak organic acid
4-Can exist in two tautomeric forms in equilibrium
5-One form is non-ionised and the other is capable of ionisation
6-The two being represented as HIn & HIn1, respectively
7-The Equilibrium may be represented as: HIn = HIn1 = H+ + In1-
8-The non-ionised form HIn differs in colour from HIn1 and the indicator ion In1-

Course Details

Course layout:

Week 1:Concepts of acids, bases and salts, strengths of acids and bases, buffers, acid-base indicators, choice of indicators
Week 2:Concept of chemical equilibrium, solubility and solubility product, activity, Le Chatelier principle
Week 3:Reaction kinetics, rate and order of a reaction, determination of order
Week 4:Reaction mechanism, rate determining step, catalysts, activation energy
Week 5:Radioactivity and nuclear chemistry
Week 6:Nitrogen chemistry and chlorination
Week 7:Introduction and overview of environmental applications; major groups of microbes: bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa and virus.
Week 8:Cell chemistry, biology and microscopy
Week 9:Microbial Metabolism
Week 10:Microbial Growth and Control
Week 11:Pathogens and diseases, metabolic diversity-1
Week 12:Metabolic Diversity-2 and Biogeochemical Cycles



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Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.

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Great course. Thank you very much.
