Modern Surveying Techniques
IIT Roorkee, , Prof. S.K.Ghosh
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
IIT Roorkee, , Prof. S.K.Ghosh
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Geographic Information System An Introduction - Introduction to Global Positioning System - GPS Positioning Methods - GPS Solutions and Errors - GPS Application - Remote Sensing Introduction - Electromagnetic Spectrum - Sensors and Platform - Sensors and Platform - Image Interpretation - Statistical Evaluation of RS Data - Rectification and Restoration - Image Enhancement - A Image Transformation - B Orthogonal Transformation - Image Classification(Supervised Classification) - Image Classification(Unsupervised Classification) - Spatial Filtering-Noise Removal - Spatial Filtering-Edge Removal - Photogramatic-Basic concepts of a single photography
Stereoscopy-Basic concepts - Stereoscopy-Geometry of overlaping photograph - Terrestrial Photogrammetry - Digital Elevation Model-Basic Concepts - Digital Elevation Model-Data Input and Stamping - Digital Elevation Model-Surface representation and analysis - GIS-Introductory Concepts - GIS-Data Input - Data Verification and Editing - GIS Data Model - GIS Data Base - Spatial Analysis - Map Overlay and Spatial Correlation - Application to Drought Management - GIS base planning model for educational facilities in rural areas - Application extraction of building attributes - Zonal based tourism planning - Zonal Planning using remote sensing - Municipal GIS for assassment of property tax - Application of remote sensing
4.1 ( 11 )
Modern Surveying Techniques by Prof. S.K. Ghosh,Department of Civil Engineering,IIT Roorkee.For more details on NPTEL visit
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.