Introduction and Overview - Fundamentals of Vector Spaces - Basic Dimension and Sub-space of a Vector Space - Introduction to Normed Vector Spaces - Examples of Norms,Cauchy S
Background of reinforced earth, mechanism and concepts, Basis of reinforced earth wall design - Geosynthetics classifications, functions, applications, raw material
The Fundamentals of Managerial Economics : Goals and Constraints - The Nature and Importance of Profits - Understanding Incentives - Economic rationality, Scarcity
Introduction to Vector Calculus:Spherical and Cylindrical coordinates, gradient, divergence and curl, Laplacian operator - Volume and line integrals, surface integrals, Diverg
Understanding Creativity :The concept of creativity has been debated and discussed through number of critical positions. The historically contextualized definitions
The Transcendent Mind : Revising the traditional notion of Consciousness - The nature of soul in Plato and Aristotle - Cartesian Dualism: res cogitans vs. res exten
Introduction : Scope and objective; Nature and types of dynamic loading; Importance of soil dynamics
Vibration theory : Vibration of elementary systems; Degrees
Functions : Introduce the idea of functions using examples from Biology. Eg. Velocity of molecular motors as a function of ATP concentration
Derivative of a funct
Introduction : Types of dynamic loads - Basic background of methods available and motivation for structural dynamics.
Dynamics of Single Degree-of-Freedom Structur
Introduction to Power System Stability : Power System Operation and Control - Stability Problems faced by Power Systems - Impact on Power System Operation and Control - Analys
Introduction to Turbomachineries:Axial flow compressors and Fans : Introduction - A simple two dimensional analytical model - 2-D Losses in axial flow compressor stage - Prof
Need to define Lebesgue Integral,Semi-algebra, Algebra, Monotone class, Sigma-algebra, Monotone class theorem. Measure spaces.Extension of measures from algebras to
Cryogenics and its applications, Properties of cryogenic fluids, Properties of materials at cryogenic temperature, Gas‐Liquefaction and Refrigeration Syste
Introduction and Basic Concepts : Concept of watershed, introduction to watershed management, different stakeholders and their relative importance, watershed management polici
Sound : Biology of Speech Processing; Place and Manner of Articulation; Word Boundary Detection; Argmax based computations; HMM and Speech Recognition.
Words and
Polynomial and piecewisepolynomial Interpolation : Divided Difference, Lagrange and Newton Form,Osculatory Interpolation.
Numerical Integration : Some Basic Rules,
Introduction - Basics of Light - Ray Model - Wave Model - Signal Distortion - Practical issues in Implementation of Fiber link - Optical Sources - Light Emitting Diodes - Lase
Introduction to Information Theory and Coding - Definition of Information Measure and Entropy - Extension of An Information Source and Markov Source - Adjoint of An Informatio
A Beginning with some practical situations, which call for multiresolution/ multiscale analysis - and how time-frequency analysis and wavelets arise from them. Examples: Image
This course assumes that the students have undergone UG courses in Engineering Mathematics, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics and are familiar with the use of