Sampling Theorem and Orthonormal PAM/QAM - Capacity of AWGN Channels-Performance of Small Signal Constellations - Hard-decision and Soft-decision Decoding - Introduction to Bi
Coulombs Force Law and Measurements of Charge - Magnetic Field of a Line Current - Voltmeter Reading Induced by Magnetic Induction - Charge Induced in Ground Plane by Overhead
Introduction - The Universe: Questions You Were Afraid to Ask - Einstein Field Equation - X-Ray Binaries and the Search for Black Holes - Cosmic Structure Formation; From Infl
This course examines works of film in relation to thematic issues of philosophical importance that also occur in other arts, particularly literature and opera. Emphasis is put
This course is a seminar on the philosophical analysis of film art, with an emphasis on the ways in which it creates meaning through techniques that define a formal structure.
Direction fields, existence and uniqueness of solutions - Numerical methods - Linear equations, models - Solution of linear equations, integrating factors - Complex numbers, r
Difference Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations - Finite Differences, Accuracy, Stability, Convergence - The One-way Wave Equation and CFL / von Neumann Stability - Com
The Geometry of Linear Equations - Elimination with Matrices-Multiplication and Inverse Matrices - Factorization into A = LU - Transposes, Permutations, Spaces R^n-Column Spac
Introduction and lumped abstraction - Basic circuit analysis method (KVL and KCL mMethod) - Superposition, Thevenin and Norton - The digital abstraction - Inside the digital g
Atomic Theory; Nucleus; Radiation; Wave; Hydrogen Atom; Orbitals; Bonds; Lewis Diagrams; Octet Rule; Hybridization and Chemical bonding; Chemical and Acid-Base Equilibrium ; O