Convective Heat and Mass Transfer
IIT Bombay, , Prof. A.W. Date
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
IIT Bombay, , Prof. A.W. Date
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
This course assumes that the students have undergone UG courses in Engineering Mathematics, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics and are familiar with the use of experimentally derived CORRELATIONS for estimating heat/mass transfer coefficient in a variety of flow situations. The purpose of this course is to justify the basis and the form of these correlations on the basis of fundamental transport laws governing heat/mass transfer.
The treatment is highly mathematical and, through assignments, students are expected to formulate and solve problems to derive expressions for the heat/mass transfer coefficient in different situations. The course will interest students wishing to embark on a research career in heat/mass transfer.
Definitions of Heat/Mass Transfer Coefficient, Main Flow Classifications, Transport Equations of Bulk Mass, Momentum, Energy and Sepcies transfer, Boundary Layer Theory and its approximations, Laminar and Turbulent External boundary layers with effects of Pressure Gradient, Wall thermal conditions, Viscous dissipation, Wall mass transfer. Similarity, Integral and Finite-difference solutions of boundary layer equations.
Developing Internal ( ducted ) flows within boundary layer approximations, Fully developed flows and heat transfer in non-circular ducts, use of superposition techniques. Turbulent Flows, laminar-turbulent transition, Universal law-of-the wall for smooth and rough surfaces, mixing-length and 2-equation models, the energy budget for boundary layer and fully-developed pipe flow.
Approximate theories of Mass Transfer , Stefan-Couette-Reynolds flow models, Applications to Inert mass transfer with and without heat transfer, Mass transfer with heterogeneous and homogeneous chemical reactions.
4.1 ( 11 )
Convective Heat and Mass Transfer by Prof. A.W. Date, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Bombay. For more details on NPTEL visit
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.