Big Data and Hadoop
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Introduction to Big Data & Hadoop - Big Data Learning Paths - Hadoop Tutorial for Beginners - Hadoop MapReduce Tutorial - Big Data - Hadoop - Introduction to MapReduce - MapReduce Programming Tutorial - Fundamentals of Hadoop MapReduce - Understanding Hadoop MapReduce - Hadoop Tutorial - What is Big Data - Big Data Explained - Hadoop & MapReduce - MapReduce Tutorial - Hadoop distributed cache - Advanced mapreduce - What is Big Data? - Why Learn Hadoop ? - Hadoop 2.0 Features - What is Hadoop - Hadoop Tutorial for Beginners - Hadoop Tutorial - What is Hadoop - Hadoop Basics - Hadoop for Beginners - Hadoop for Data Warehousing Professional - De-Identify Mapreduce Code - Mapreduce Tutorial - What is Hive - Why Hive - Apache Hive Tutorial - Understanding Concepts of Advanced Hive - Hive Scripting - Apache Hive Tutorial - Introduction to Apache Hive - Understanding Hive Commands in Apache Hadoop - Hive Data Model - Introduction to Sqoop - Demo on Hadoop Flume - Intro To Hadoop Developer Training - Cloudera - Introduction to Hadoop Zookeeper - Introduction to HBase - Intro To Hadoop Developer Training - Hadoop installation on ubuntu - TDD Using Pig Unit - Demo - Hadoop Pig Tutorial - What is Pig Unit & Why Unit Test Pig - Hadoop Pig Tutorial - What is Big data - Why learn Hadoop - Big data and Hadoop Tutorial - Learn Hadoop - What is HBase - Why Hbase - Hbase Tutorial - What is Oozie in Hadoop - Introduction to Advanced MapReduce - Advanced MapReduce Programming Tutorial - Hadoop Distributed Cache - Advanced Mapreduce Tutorial - Combiner & Partitioner in Hadoop - Hadoop Mapreduce Tutorial - Learn Hadoop - Debugging using MRUnit Testig Framework - Hadoop Tutorial for Beginners - Joins in Hadoop Mapreduce - Mapside Joins - Reduce Side Joins - Hadoop Mapreduce - Tutorial - Setup Pig on cloudera - Pig Installation Tutorial - What is Pig and Why Pig | Pig Explained - Hadoop Pig Tutorial - Demonstrating Word Count Example Using Pig Grunt Shell - Hadoop Pig Tutorial - Hbase Architecture - Pig vs Hive ? - Hadoop Vs Traditional Database Systems - Hadoop Data Warehouse - Hadoop and ETL - Hadoop Data Mining - Big Data Tutorial - Hadoop Training - Big Data Training - What is Hadoop? - Hadoop 1.x Arch Challenges - Hadoop 2.0 Architecture - YARN - Hadoop Jobs - Introduction to Hadoop Ecosystem - Introduction to Hdfs - Demo on big data applications - Demo on Hadoop Technology
4.1 ( 11 )
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Sqoop is a tool to transfer data between Hadoop and RDBMS. Sqoop internally produces MapReduce code to transfer the data. This video includes the following topics
1. What is Sqoop
2. Different connectors for Sqoop
3. Working of Sqoop
5. Controlling Import Process
6. Importing and Exporting data using Sqoop
7. Importing data in Hive, HBase and HDFS
8. Exporting from HDFS to MYSQL
9. Project - Business Solution
10.HBase Java Client Interfaces
11.Steps to create Table and column family
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Edureka is a New Age e-learning platform that provides Instructor-Led Live, Online classes for learners who would prefer a hassle free and self paced learning environment, accessible from any part of the world.
The topics related to sqoop are extensively covered in our Big data and Hadoop course.
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Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.