Principles of Evolution, Ecology and Behavior
Yale,, Spring 2009 , Prof. Stephen C. Stearns
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Yale,, Spring 2009 , Prof. Stephen C. Stearns
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
The Nature of Evolution: Selection, Inheritance, and History - Basic Transmission Genetics - Adaptive Evolution: Natural Selection - Neutral Evolution: Genetic Drift - How Selection Changes the Genetic Composition of Population - The Origin and Maintenance of Genetic Variation - The Importance of Development in Evolution - The Expression of Variation: Reaction Norms - The Evolution of Sex - Genomic Conflict - Life History Evolution - Sex Allocation - Sexual Selection - Species and Speciation - Phylogeny and Systematics - Comparative Methods: Trees, Maps, and Traits - Key Events in Evolution - Major Events in the Geological Theatre - The Fossil Record and Life's History - Coevolution - Evolutionary Medicine - The Impact of Evolutionary Thought on the Social Sciences - The Logic of Science - Climate and the Distribution of Life on Earth - Interactions with the Physical Environment - Population Growth: Density Effects - Interspecific Competition - Ecological Communities - Island Biogeography and Invasive Species - Energy and Matter in Ecosystems - Why So Many Species? The Factors Affecting Biodiversity - Economic Decisions for the Foraging Individual - Evolutionary Game Theory: Fighting and Contests - Mating Systems and Parental Care - Alternative Breeding Strategies - Selfishness and Altruism
4.1 ( 11 )
Principles of Evolution, Ecology and Behavior (EEB 122)
The lecture presents an overview of evolutionary biology and its two major components, microevolution and macroevolution. The idea of evolution goes back before Darwin, although Darwin thought of natural selection. Evolution is driven by natural selection, the correlation between organism traits and reproductive success, as well as random drift. The history of life goes back approximately 3.7 billion years to a common ancestor, and is marked with key events that affect all life.
0000 - Chapter 1. Introduction
0322 - Chapter 2. History of Evolutionary Studies
1559 - Chapter 3. Conditions for Natural Selection
2125 - Chapter 4. The Power of Selection and Adaptation
2709 - Chapter 5. Drift
3110 - Chapter 6. History of Life
3933 - Chapter 7. Conclusion
Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website httpopen.yale.educourses
This course was recorded in Spring 2009.
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.