COMP1927 Data Structures and Algorithms
The University of New South Wales, , Prof. Richard Buckland
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
The University of New South Wales, , Prof. Richard Buckland
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Intro to labs - Compiling - gcc and/or eclipse - Problem Solving - topdown, systematic - Problem Solving - abstraction - if/then/else, chained ifs, while loops, function calls - primative types - typecasting - pointers - pass by reference/pass by value - arrays - arrays 2D+ - strings (basic) - strings (advanced) - subtle problems with terminating byte - pointer arithmetic (brief) - structure of memory - dynamic memory allocation - stack frames - stack overflow security - recursion (intro) - linked lists - adts (intro) - trees (intro building traversing) - graphs (intro using adjacency matrix) - adts (using, constructing) - stacks, queues - recursion - time and space complexity - big oh notation - analysing complexity (a priori) - analysing complexity (a postori) - big oh notation - bfs dfs search - trees and tree algorithms - self balancing trees - graphs and graph algorithms - c99 extensions - for, switch - intro to unstructured commands - style - documentation - unit testing - systematic debugging - programming in groups
4.1 ( 11 )
This video explains a data-type used to represent an abstract "Pile of Cards" (using a C linked list). It is broken into 2 short parts - this is part 2.
This was used back in semester 1 of 2006 for the major project in UNSWs introductory programming course "Computing 1". The pile of cards was just an abstract linked list.
In it I try to explain "Why are these type definitions used?" and "What is going on here with abstraction?"
background I made the video when I got home after giving a lecture while suffering from a mild cold (or some similar excuse) and realised Id done a poor job of explaining the types during the lecture.
Watching this video was a second chance for the poor students to understand what was going on with the types.
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.