
Englsh Grammar

Other, , Prof. Rachna

Updated On 02 Feb, 19


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Lecture 33: English lesson- How to achieve your New Year Resolutions?

4.1 ( 11 )

Lecture Details

English lesson- How to achieve your New Year Resolutions?
"New Years resolutions" are yearly goals that you set for yourself at the beginning of a new year. They usually have to do with fitness, saving money, education, etc.
People often make New Years resoltions at the beginning of the year but dont end up keeping them. With time passing by, they fizzle out and you are no longer motivated.
So in this lesson, you are going to learn how to achieve your resolution.

1. Pick three goals

You should have one really important goal that youre going to achieve no matter what. You can set two other goals to work toward as well. Just remember to decide which goal is your "main" one.
If you try to do more than three things at once, youll get lost. Youll lose track of whats most important.
So stick with one main resolution and two secondary ones.

2. Write your resolutions down and post them

Think of a single word to represent each of your resolutions. Write the word in big letters and post it somewhere in your home.
For example, if you want to lose weight, you can paste a sticky note on your fridge that reads smart eating. Every time you open the fridge, youll be reminded of your resolution.
Also, share them with your family and friends. Put them on your Facebook page. Put them as your status on watsapp and other chat groups. Your friends and relatives can definitely help by keeping a check on you.

3. Turn each resolution into a habit

Working on your resolutions every single day is very, very effective.
If you do something every day, it becomes a habit. Soon you wont even think about it; youll just do it naturally, like brushing your teeth.
It becomes a part of your lifestyle and you do it without much thought or going out of your way.

4. Work on one habit per month

To achieve an important goal, youll probably need to pick up several good habits. For example, to get in shape youll need to exercise, cut down on your drinking, eat more vegetables, and so on.
If you try to pick up a lot of good habits at once, youre probably going to fail. Its just too hard to focus.
Instead, I suggest focusing on one good habit per month. After youve gotten used to the first one, you can then add the next one, and so on. For example, if you want to save more money this year, you can add habits like this
• January Write down your expenses each day
• February Make your own lunch each day
• March Maintain a piggy bank.

5. Use a calendar

Get a calendar to put on the wall. Every day that you keep up your good habits, mark the day with an "X" on the calendar. Then try not to miss any days.
Seeing all of the hard work marked on the calendar will motivate you to continue working hard every day.



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Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.

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Great course. Thank you very much.
