Quantum Mechanics: Physical Problems in one-dimension
Other, , Prof. Donylee
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Other, , Prof. Donylee
Updated On 02 Feb, 19
Physical Problems in one-dimension - Continuous States - Analyzing the Solutions - Are continuous states physical - A Gaussian Wave Packet - Calculating our wave packet - Solving the Schrdinger Equ-Description of Plane Waves - Probability Current Density - Calculating R and T- Explaining Quantum Behavior - Particle-like gets stopped - The strange evanescent wave - Deriving discrete energy value - What is zero-point energy? - Unusual probability densities - The scattering problem
Ratio transmitted particles - Energy values and Resonance - Full transmission of part.- Setting the situation - Deciphering the wave-like particle - Penetrating the potential barrier - Further analysis of T - The WKB approximation method - Introduction - Unphysical Solutions - Fourier transform revisit - Outside the well - Anti/symmetric solutions - Boundary conditions- A graphical solution- Discrete energy specturm
4.1 ( 11 )
The Finite Square Well Potential, case E ≥ V₀
We venture back again to the fundamental question of whether the wave solutions to the Schrödinger are physical. We sketch the probabilities densities |Ψ|² and again see that they have no physical meaning - it is absurd to say that a particle can be found in a region with probability of say 4.
For an in-depth study, check out www.gaussianmath.com
Sep 12, 2018
Excellent course helped me understand topic that i couldn't while attendinfg my college.
March 29, 2019
Great course. Thank you very much.