Overview, Project Management, Project Appraisal, Basic Scheduling with A-O-A Networks, Linear Time-Cost Trade offs in Projects, Life Cycle of a Production System, Financial Ev
Introduction, Embedded Hardware, PIC: Instruction Set, ARM Processor, Digital Signal Processors, System On Chip (SOC), Memory Organization, Virtual Memory and Memory Managemen
Signals and Systems, Initial and Final Conditions, Step, Impulse and Complete Responses, Transformer Transform Domain Analysis, Network Theorems and Functions, Poles, Zeros an
Introduction, Types of Wireless communication, cellular concept, Cell capacity and reuse, Interference and System capacity, Improving coverage, Mobile Radio Propagation, Modul
Introduction - Digital Systems - Characterization Description,Testing of Digital Syst - LTI Systems Step & Impulse Responses,Convolution - Inverse Systems,Stability
Introduction, Communication channel, Brief Review of Signal and Systems,The Hilbert Transform, Amplitude Modulation, Angle Modulation, AM, FM, FM Generation and Detection, Dem
Introduction, Stacks, Queues and Linked Lists, Dictionaries, Hashing, Tree Walks/Traversals, Deletion, Quick Sort, AVL Trees, Red Black Trees, Disk Based Data Structures, Prio
Introduction, History of Computers, Instruction Set Architecture, Recursive Programs, Architecture Space and Examples, Performance, Binary Arithmetic, ALU Design, Multiplier,
Functions of buildings and structure in general. Loads on buildings as per IS 875, IS 1893 and NBC. Functional requirements of buildings and necessity of byelaws,Role of mater
Introduction and Scope to Enzyme Science & Engineering - Characteristic Features of Enzymes -Enzymes as Biocatalysts - Enzymatic Catalysis - Specificity of Enzyme