Khan Academy BitTorrent App

Khan Academy video lectures are available through Torrents officially, BitTorrent has an app through which all the lecture videos can be downloaded in one go.

How to Download:

1. Get BitTorrent application here .

2. Go to App button on the left side of the BitTorrent

3. Find the Khan Academy app on the right side panel

Click on the install button and follow the steps. Successful App installation should show like

Choose the Playlist or Course you like. You are done 🙂

If you know any other better way of downloading videos or educational apps. please share in the comments section.

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9 Responses to “Khan Academy BitTorrent App”
  1. Fnjkyuk November 7, 2011
    • Jovelsanchez7 December 15, 2011
  2. Jovelsanchez7 December 15, 2011
    • AnkammaRao December 15, 2011
  3. Himansh February 27, 2012
  4. Afzal November 25, 2013
  5. daniel December 17, 2013
  6. Husain April 4, 2014
  7. hater August 18, 2014