Author: admin

20+ Must have apps for online learning

As more and more people are turning to Internet to supplement their courses and independently further their education, more apps are becoming available for free or low cost to help in a variety of academic subjects. There’s even tools available to help with everything from writing your papers and planning for projects, to giving you access …

Wolfram Education Free Resources

The Wolfram Education Portal is a fantastic resource for learning both basic and advanced math skills. The Algebra and Calculus courses currently offered should be helpful for individual online learners. The main benefits: Membership is free, giving access to comprehensive math courses at your fingertips for no cost. Concepts are presented in a variety of ways, …

15 Websites to learn a language online for free

In our increasingly global culture, being able to communicate with people from diverse backgrounds is quickly becoming more important than ever. Whether you’re learning English as a second language, or broadening your horizons with Spanish, Russian, Chinese, or Swahili, there is a site out there with free lessons you can access from the comfort of your …

Using Evernote at School

Evernote is a great tool for organizing notes, photos, recordings, and everything else school related.  Though not designed specifically for college students, Evernote is an amazing tool to use during your college years.  With Evernote on your smart phone, computer, and their site your notes and material will always be in reach and easily accessible. There …

25+ Universities and Colleges offering Free Courses Online

Open courseware offered by top universities allow self-learners to access high quality educational materials for no cost. Whether expanding your knowledge on a variety of topics or sampling the programs offered at universities, free courses can benefit you. The following universities offer free college courses online to anyone wishing to complete them. University credit is not offered for any …

Free Android App Development Training by Google for Developers

Google Launches free android app training for developers. It is a 11 session course with many modules including writing app for multiple screens to monetizing your app. It seems these lessons needs basic knowledge of writing app as none of the sessions discuss writing from scratch.  Each session aims to solve a problem or teach a new technique with sample code. Check out …

Dr.Wickert’s Signals & Systems Courses

Dr. Wickert of University of Colorado publishes all his teaching material online for free. He teaches Signals & Systems, Signal Processing and Microwave circuit design. Fall 2011 and Spring 2011 courses are available. Not all courses have video lectures. I am listing the courses which has video lectures. Along with videos lessons, lecture notes, MATLAB projects …

13 ArsDigita University free Computer Science courses

ArsDigita University offers 13 free courses on Computer Science and maths. You can learn basics like how computers and internet works to writing complex algorithms, web applications using databases, basically everything you need to become an expert computer engineer or programmer. Course material includes video lessons, lecture notes, problem sets, exams, solutions and reference text books …

Free Math and Science Simulations by University of Colorado

University of Colorado provides interactive simulations for easy understanding of various science concepts. Simulations animate what is invisible to the eye through graphics. Main focus is on Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Maths though there are other subjects. Simulations can be watched in over 20 other languages.  Check them out here. Related Posts: University of Colorado Math courses

Khan Academy BitTorrent App

Khan Academy video lectures are available through Torrents officially, BitTorrent has an app through which all the lecture videos can be downloaded in one go. How to Download: 1. Get BitTorrent application here . 2. Go to App button on the left side of the BitTorrent 3. Find the Khan Academy app on the right side panel Click on …