Author: admin

90+ MOOC Courses Started in March 2015

MOOC courses are boon for people looking for free Quality education online. Which enables every one to learn from anywhere, any time. We are presenting here, 90+ free MOOC courses started in March 2015. Courses from edx, coursera, futurelearn and many other MOOC providers. Every Course provides short video tutorials, lecture notes and required assignments. Update: …

Gamification 101: Introducing Gamification in Education

A student’s ability to be successful educationally, largely depends on how that particular student retains the information he or she receives from an educator. In return, the student’s ability to retain information largely depends on the mode of learning that suits the individual. What is Gamification in Education? To understand the meaning of the term Gamification, …

How Google is Revolutionizing the E-learning Community

Google’s recent focus on the field of education and e-learning has left educators looking forward to its maneuvers with something akin to awe. But what are the innovations Google has brought to the hallowed field of education in general and e-learning in particular? Revolutionizing the E-learning In order to give you a thorough incite to Google’s …

Google Glass in Education

Integrating Google Glass in Your Virtual Classrooms Integrations of smart devices and wearables into today’s vibrant classrooms have been some of the predominant trends in education as can be seen from the ‘one child, one tablet device’ movement occurring in the school districts of Los Angeles. These great strides all but raise the question of how …

5 Productivity Tips for e-learners

For quite a while now, those on the receiving end of knowledge—students—have been neglected by both those who have the responsibility of teaching them and online educators on the subject of how students can increase their productivity/learning speed. Therefore, the bold step of looking into the student’s life and discussing tips on facing the stress of …

Top 7 disruptive e-learning trends for 2014

The world of online education or e-learning is a dynamic one for as the world continues to advance in technology, so will education in our classrooms and more importantly online teaching procedures or techniques. And as with all changes, a certain percentage of educators and students will find them better than the old way of handling …

10 Best iTunes U Channels

With the new iTunes U app for iPhone and iPad, it’s easier than ever for Apple lovers to access quality educational resources for free. Of course, if you have a Mac or PC with iTunes installed, you can still access this wealth of great resources – and even sync video and audio to your mobile devices. We checked …

5 Best Websites to Learn Linux

Linux is an operating system just like Windows XP, Windows 10/7/8 and Mac OS X. It is the most popular open source Operating System means any person, with required skills, can edit, modify & create a new version of the Linux. Linux is considered as most secure & stable Operating System. Android OS was built on …

Economics Network Lectures

Economics Network is a great resource for students, teachers, and independent learners looking to learn economics. Either you are a beginner or advanced expert, irrespective of your learning stage, variety of learning materials available here can raise your economics understating to a whole new level. There are materials which can be helpful for someone learning more about economics. …