Category: Learning Resources

9 weird online courses you must check out!! 

Online courses are designed in such a way that their knowledge sharing is profitable, desirable, significant, relevant, and meritorious to students. But there are courses online which, though have significance, are surprising and weird. They are subjects which you would not have even thought of getting trained on. Now check these weird online courses Antiquities trafficking …

5 Things not to do while learning Online

Online Learning- Flourishing With the birth of online learning in the 80’s, it has drastically changed the training industry and is showing rapid progress and evolution. Thousands of free online courses are offered by universities like MITOCW, MOOC providers like edX, Coursera, FutureLearn and NovoEd. Organizations prefer online training and development courses for their staff to …

Best Compilers/Interpreters to Practise Programming Online

There are numerous programming languages available these days for developers and every language comes with some amazing features and supported tools to suit various programming needs. Many of these programming languages are either compiler based or interpreter based, so programmers would require a Compiler or an Interpreter software to execute and test the codes. Most programmers …