VLSI & ASIC Design
VLSI or very large scale integration is a process by which integrated circuits are made by juxtaposing thousands of different transistors on to one single chip. A microprocessor is a befitting example of a VLSI device.ASIC, on the other hand, refers to application specific integrated circuit. It includes the making of those ICs that has been designed for very specific purposes with the desired needs in mind. In our lectures, we are going to talk of some of the most diverse details that can help people in learning the core details of these technologies.We have basic lectures for setting the foundation in the field of VLSI technology. Once you have a basic overlay, we are then going to work upon the higher and the advanced concepts like the verification of the design, establishing the communication, low power VLSI and more. Our online lectures are split into a series of different videos. As the videos are segregated under different topics, it becomes a lot easier to understand the matter and assimilate the meaning.By going through these online videos, you will be able to get a clear and better understanding of how this whole technology operates.